Park Mead Primary



At Park Mead Primary, our aim of the Science curriculum is that all children transition to Key Stage 3 with scientific skills, knowledge and understanding to have a sense of awe and wonder about the world around them.

Children acquire specific skills and subject knowledge to gain an understanding of scientific processes and an understanding of the purpose and implications of biology, chemistry and physics in every aspect of their daily life.

Science in our school harnesses the natural curiosity from when children enter at the Early Years Foundation Stage, and promotes respect for living organisms and the natural environment. At Park Mead Primary, we ensure that our children will acquire scientific knowledge, retaining what they know and recall what they’ve learnt in subsequent year groups, becoming more knowledgeable and independent learners as they move through the key stages.

At Park Mead Primary School, the learning environment and teaching strategies keep all children engaged and inspire them to want to investigate the world around them. Learning activities focus on developing our children to enquire, observe, locate sources of information, plan investigations, and select appropriate equipment. They learn how to use equipment safely to measure, record and analyse results and communicate findings. Our teaching is enhanced by the use of the school grounds, through group discussions, presentations, demonstrations, videos, practical explanations, experimental work, and child-led instruction where this is possible and appropriate.

During the learning opportunities, our children build on prior learning and consolidate their skills, knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of biology, chemistry and physics through a focus on practical science. Children take ownership of their learning to make predictions, solve challenges and explain scientific phenomena using an enquiry-based approach. Enrichment opportunities enable the incorporation of links to other subjects. A cross-curricular approach with thematic links is only used when it reinforces the understanding of previously taught science.

Displays and resources are used to enhance children’s understanding.
The importance of safety in science is emphasised routinely and children are allowed to investigate in a safe environment.
A range of extra-curricular opportunities to engage the children are offered as after-school clubs and with visits from outreach volunteers from local institutions or societies.


At Park Mead Primary we have a successful science curriculum where children have access to a range of activities and have positive, successful experiences will empower children to have a sense of awe and wonder for the world with which they interact. Through teacher assessment, children are identified at age-related expectations (working within, working securely) and are prepared for transition to Key Stage 3.

Children learn the possibilities for careers in science, as a result of our community links and involvement of out-reach role models and those parents/carers with scientific related professions, particularly during STEM week. Our children act as though they are scientists, enjoy the subject and this results in motivated learners with sound scientific understanding. Children will be prepared for the next step in their life journey and will be in a position to participate fully in the learning of biology, chemistry and physics both formally in education and beyond.


Science Curriculum Statement Science Policy

Progression of Skills and Knowledge

Science in 


Park Mead Primary School, Park Drive, Cranleigh, Surrey, GU6 7HB

01483 274315